My Approach
I approach every case with a wholesome analysis of the patient face and smile line.
I take in consideration skin tone, lips posture and patient expectations.
Before proceeding with provisionals I develop a diagnostic wax up and a digital rendering of what I believe to be the best aesthetic solution and show it to the patient for further feedback.
Every case is unique and I like the challenge that this brings. After I select the materials that are best suited for the restoration i go ahead and finalize the aesthetic by layering and fusing porcelain to the main frame.
Almost all the steps are performed under stereo microscopy guaranteeing the absolute best fitting, most precise and long lasting restoration.
Technologist & Ceramist
From beautiful diagnostic wax-up and provisionals to CAD/CAM milled Zirconia bridges or hand carved and pressed E.Max crowns I enjoy the challenges of matching any shade and shape in all their complexities.
Soft tissue management with pink ceramic, non prep veneers, Maryland bridges, tetracycline stains , crossed, deep or open bites , problematic implant position, I saw them all and for every case I learned how to best deal with any individual situation by taking full advantage of specific materials , techniques and technologies.
Treatment Plan Consultant
After more than 10 years working at Manhattan Prosthetic Dentistry I built a solid strategy and vision to solve even the most challenging cases.
Interacting together with doctors, using a team approach, we can guide patients to a better understanding of possible solutions which leads to improved expectations management and to a more satisfactory outcome.
Digital Smile Designer
Thanks to my expertise in photo taking and photo editing
I can professionally take pre and post op photos as well as digitally photoshop a preview of the ideal aesthetic solution I consider best suited for the case and discuss it with doctors and patients before even starting to wax-up the case.